Week 1

Jan 7 2023:

We gathered today to watch the kickoff video. The team broke up into 3 groups to breakdown the 2023 Game Manual. Sub teams focused on summarizing autonomous, scoring, & field rules.

We later focused on field rules and setup. We mocked up the field layout in the gym. Students took on roles of robots, drivers, or human player. We used various game pieces from prior years games to simulate the game environment. Our key takeaways from the simulation was the crowded areas on the field, frequent use of the bridge area, and the importance of the cubes.

Autonomous Breakdown
Robot Rules

Jan 9 2023:

Base CAD model started

Field Layout

Scoring Analysis

2023 Scoring Analysis

Brainstorming ideas

Pros and Cons


Jan 10 2023:

CAD - Full Robot Asm

Programming Mechanism Testing & Base Practice Code

Elevator Design & CAD File Structure

Added wheels to Prototype base for tipping point reference

Jan 12 2023:

CAD Concept Robot Design 4:00PM

All productivity was questioned based on robot in 3 day reveals. Students were excited when they saw some alternative designs. Key inspirations were the FRC 2481 2018 robot video.